It was in 1984 that two sisters, Chantal Ragot and Marie Claire Julien, assisted by their daughters Séverine, Corinne, Agnès and Annick, created the Givry Starlett Club, a "majorette" dance club, this discipline being very popular in Europe. era, in the 80s.
Since 2006, Véronique Perret has been at the head of the club. The GSC evolved and progressed a lot during the 2000s. In 2001, the first pompoms minimal team trained by Sabrina became French champion then in 2005 it was the minimal team trained by Julie who also became French champion.
In 2009 Laura Perret was crowned French champion in strutting.
The pompom teams are systematically selected through the regional competition, "Championship of Burgundy", to participate in the French championship.
And it is for 9 years that our flagship team, the Grande Junior, has represented France in European and world competitions. What pride and what a journey!!!
In 2019 Pauline Perret is also French champion in stutting (like her sister 10 years earlier) and qualified for the European Championship in Italy where she finishes 8th and first in France.
Our junior team is European champion in Italy in 2019 for the 2nd time after 2017.
Pauline and our great pompom team are already selected to represent France at the Worlds in July 2022 (competition postponed for 2 years due to the health crisis).
Recently, Pauline, Louwine and Elise as well as Timothée were selected for the 2022 European Championship which will take place in France this year, as well as our Pompon team.
Today, the club has 11 dance groups supervised by young volunteer girls, 3 pompom competition groups and 2 stick twirling teams.
About thirty young twirleurs, supervised by 8 instructors, also present solos 1 stick, 2 sticks, strutting and duets during competitions.
All these young talents are delighted to present their performances to their families during two gala evenings organized at the end of June, galas to a full house each evening.
A word from VÉRONIQUE PERRET, president of the club
Everyone, welcome to our website.
I have had the honor of presiding over this Club for 10 years now, which welcomes more and more young girls.
It is with all the people in the office as well as the volunteer parents that we work tirelessly all year round to make the costumes, the preparation of our Gala and our competitions.
The important thing for us is to teach all our members the sportsmanship that we meet in competition, the rigor of our disciplines and the joy of dancing at each Gala.
Good visit
Veronique PERRET